When we first started #thevinylsessions we had no idea whether it would work, but judging by tonight’s company, there is definitely something in getting together to share music. Live music will always be our first love, but even once pressed onto polyvinylchloride, the passion that went into the rehearsal, recording and publishing still shines through. Getting together to share and listen to records together is part of the resurgence and popularity of vinyl records. For some, the love of records never went away. Others were tempted away by digital music services, and perhaps forgot the beauty and tactile nature of a long playing album. We still use both, but its all better in good company!
What has really surprised us, is the good people who have come along and shared their music. Some DJ’s, some learning to DJ, Record Collectors, music bloggers, musicians and fans, all drawn together by a love of music. It’s something special!

Come along on a Thursday night. It feels great to start the weekend early and share music with old and new friends.

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